Fallen Warrior: Tech. Sgt. John Chapman

  • Published
  • By 81st Training Wing Public Affairs
  • 81st Training Wing Public Affairs

For our Fallen Warrior commemoration this week, we remember Tech. Sgt. John Chapman, 24th Special Tactics Squadron combat controller.

Chapman was born in Springfield, Mass. He joined the Air Force in 1985 and cross trained to become a combat controller, completing training in 1990.

On March 2002, Chapman was killed during Operation ANACONDA in eastern Afghanistan.

During the campaign, Chapman coordinated a rescue effort to retrieve a fallen Navy SEAL comrade. Chapman was killed after breaking cover to rush another enemy position and defend his team, who had become pinned down on three sides. Chapman is credited with saving the lives of the entire team.

For his actions that day, Chapman was posthumously awarded the Air Force Cross. The award was upgraded to a Medal of Honor in 2018.

Editor's note: The Fallen Warrior series highlights Fallen Warriors who exemplify our core values and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Take a moment to honor this week’s hero.