
Civilian Health Promotion Services Program

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Air Force Civilian Health Promotion Services (CHPS) Program

Keesler Civilian Health Promotion Services (CHPS) is a mobile worksite wellness program providing free resources to help the civilian workforce maintain and improve their health and well-being through delivering onsite and virtual services. CHPS can provide services at any worksite location, scheduling around shift work and even incorporating programming into a unit’s upcoming organizational event.

All services provided by CHPS are available to federal civilian employees at AFMC, AMC, AFSOC, ACC, AETC,AFGSC, and USSF installations. Active Duty, contractors, retirees, dependants, and family members of civilian employees are not eligible for CHPS services.

CHPS services include:

  • Wellness Website Portal:
    • Comprehensive virtual wellness website portal where participants can instantly access a wide variety of health online information and tool kits
      • Communication platform for base helping agencies
      • Health risk assessments (HRAs) provide instant results to the participant upon completion - helps identify health issues, current health risks, and specific ways to improve health
      • Online personal improvement tools allow participants to securely log activities, workouts, weight, and other personal metrics, and track progress towards their health goals
  • Wellness Screenings
    • Cardiac risk profile (CRP) – cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar
    • Blood pressure measurement
    • Body Composition
  • Health Education Classes
    • Over 70 classes on a variety of topics such as nutrition, physical activity, sleep, chronic disease, and more
  • Health Awareness Campaigns
    • Outreach and prevention campaigns to highlight specific topics and bring awareness to support services on base like the Employee Assistance Program and Military OneSource
  • Wellness Challenges
    • Physical activity and/or weight loss/management programs offered twice a year
    • Provides participants an opportunity to practice skills to improve lifestyle behaviors
  • Health Awareness Campaigns
    • Outreach and prevention campaigns to highlight specific topics and bring awareness to support services on base like the Employee Assistance Program and Military OneSource

Keesler CHPSCivilian Health Promotion Services logo
Bldg. 701, Rm. 221
Hours: M-F; 0700-1530
Phone: 228-376-2495



Last Updated: March 27, 2023