81st Training Support Squadron
Faculty Development, Trainer/Software Development, Military Training Support, Resource Management
333rd Training Squadron
Undergraduate Cyber Training, Cyber Warfare Operations, IT Fundamentals, Spectrum Operations
334th Training Squadron
Air Traffic Control, Airfield Management, Aviation Resource Management, Airfield Operations Officer, All-Domain and Control Operations, Battle Management Operations, Radar, Airfield and Weather Systems
335th Training Squadron
Weather, Financial Management, Manpower & Personnel, Education & Training, Force Support, Operations Analysis
336th Training Squadron
Cyber Fundamentals, Clients Systems Operations, Knowledge Operations, Software Development Operations, Systems Operations, Joint 8570 Computer Certifications, Public Affairs
338th Training Squadron
RF Transmission, Cyber Transport
Keesler Marine Detachment
Spectrum Manager, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment, General Purpose Electric Test Equipment Calibration and Maintenance and finally, Meteorological Oceanographic Analyst Forecast.