Keesler hosts 2024 Winter Commandant Conference: Shaping the future of EPME

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Kurstyn Canida
  • 81st Training Wing Public Affairs

Keesler Air Force Base became the epicenter for a gathering of Air Force leaders as it hosted the Winter Commandant Conference from Dec. 17-19, 2024.

Commandants from across the service came together to chart the future of Enlisted Professional Military Education. The conference provided an exclusive opportunity for these key decision-makers to collaborate, exchange insights, and discuss innovative strategies that will shape the trajectory of enlisted education.

“There are many vector decision points that we are going to have to answer and tackle as a team,” said Chief Master Sgt. Jayar Dela Cruz, Mathies Noncommissioned Officer Academy commandant. “One of our main objectives is to generate those decisions and outcomes and put all our thoughts together in answering the mail, which is everything that guides EPME forward.”

As the Air Force evolves to meet new challenges, the conversations held at this event play a critical role in ensuring the Air Force’s enlisted force remain agile, skilled, and ready to lead in the years to come.

“We are trying to focus on key initiatives while also understanding what are some shortfalls we see globally as an EPME enterprise," said Master Sgt. Deonte Duncan, Mathies Noncommissioned Officer Academy senior enlisted leader, “We want to look at the best practices we can improve for our students, while also seeing how we can support one another in each other's school houses.”

As the Winter Commandants’ Conference came to a close, leaders left with valuable insights and a stronger sense of direction for the future. The discussions covered a wide range of topics, from the growth of distance learning and how it can help improve training for service members, to the latest updates on war gaming and how these simulations are refining military strategies. The conference gave everyone a chance to share ideas, learn from each other, and ensure that the military remains adaptable and ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Courtesy photo.