Commentary Search

  • Keesler Chapel fosters resiliency

    In the months of September, October and November, the 81st Training Wing Chapel team has created three resiliency events targeting different cross-sections of the base community. The largest of the three events is Home Away from Home and will be happening Nov. 22. This event occurs each year on

  • My heritage lives in me

    I'll never forget the night I first met him.   It was late and raining outside. We pulled up to his house in Tennessee and my dad and I walked up to the front door. When the door opened I saw a tall shadowy figure standing in front of me. He didn't say a single word. He just held out his hand and

  • What's in a badge?

    When out and about on the base, I’m often asked the meaning of my Air Force Inspector General Badge. More often than not, when I tell someone I work for the 81st Training Wing IG office, the common response is a raised eyebrow. This look obviously indicates some are leery or do not fully understand

  • A fond farewell

    As I prepare to depart Keesler, I would like to take an opportunity to express how much I appreciate what you all have done for the 81st Training Wing and Team Keesler. It is with a sad heart that I must move on but I know I will always cherish these memories and experiences as the best in my

  • Developing tomorrow's leaders through today's leadership

    During my previous assignment at the Pentagon, I had the opportunity to tour the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Among its displays, I found a quote from Confucius, "Give instruction unto those who cannot procure it for themselves." This quote had very personal meaning as I prepared for my