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News Around Keesler

  • Air Force Gala held at BBEC Sept. 16

    Keesler Air Force Base is scheduled to host the Air Force Gala at 6 p.m. Sept. 16, in the Bay Breeze Event Center in celebration of the Air Force’s 70th birthday. The ticket prices are $28 for club members and $30 for non-club members. “We wanted to bring this event back to the base to support our

  • Celebrating 69 years: Keesler holds Air Force Ball

    Members of the Keesler Air Force Base Honor Guard perform a POW/MIA table ceremony during the Keesler Air Force Ball at the Imperial Palace Casino Sept. 24, 2016, Biloxi, Miss. The event was sponsored by the Air Force Association John C. Stennis Chapter #332 to celebrate the Air Force’s 69th