KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- Members of the 81st Surgical Operations Squadron performed the Air Force’s first robotic surgery at the Keesler Medical Center using the da Vinci Xi robot here March 28. Members of the surgical staff are available to talk about the da Vinci Xi robot and the capabilities it brings to the base medical center at 10:30 a.m. Friday, April 14.
The da Vinci Xi robot system, which cost approximately $2 million, translates the surgeon’s hand motions into smaller more precise movements. The robot’s tiny instruments create more internal space inside the patient’s body during the operation. In addition, robotic surgery decreases risk of surgical sight infections while giving the surgeon better visibility and dexterity when operating, which improves the surgical procedure overall.
To learn more about the first Air Force da Vinci Si robotic surgery that took place at Keelser AFB click here.
To RSVP, or get more information, please contact the 81st Training Wing Public Affairs Office by Thursday, April 13, at 4 p.m., at 228-377-2783 or e-mail