Message to Team Keesler - Commander's Intent

  • Published
  • By 020808

Team Keesler - As we prepare to enter this holiday weekend and especially, given the possibility of a storm event on Monday or Tuesday, please ensure you practice good Operational, Personal and Family Risk Management. Emotions are always high during Hurricane season, and even more so for those who are Veterans of events only 3 years ago - be aware, be ready and be SAFE.

The Commander has provided your leadership with his 'Commanders Intent' for this storm event, I share that with you below for your Situational Awareness:
- Take care of yourself and your people
- Secure and protect our nations resources
- Actively engage in ensuring continuity of our mission

Toward that intent, ALL personnel are directed to maintain 100% accountability with their organization, whether you are at home, TDY or on leave, your supervisor and organization leadership must know where you are and how to contact you. Commanders are directed to ensure Command Post has an accurate, current recall roster on file, and be prepared to support 24/7 operation of GCC's & UCC's beginning Saturday - execution order will be via a recall.

For those asking what 'will' happen with an evacuation, remain vigilant. The execution order for any evacuation will come through a formal notification, be ready. Remember IF we do evacuate, you should all have two key phone numbers:

Keesler Accountability Team -- 1-800-673-9356
- Call this number upon arrival to your evacuation location (Wait for formal notification to evacuate)

AFPC Hotline -- 1-800-435-9941
- This number will most likely have recorded information to provide YOU with status of Keesler AFB.

Thank you for your Service to our Great Nation,

Col Valle
CHRISTOPHER R. VALLE, Colonel, US Air Force Vice Commander, 81 TRW