602nd Training Group (Provisional)


· Provide fully combat-mission capable Joint Expeditionary Tasking Airmen to combatant commands
· Provide a support structure, to include command and control, for JET Airmen in Army Combat Skills Training
· Educate the Air Force on the JET mission


The Joint Expeditionary Tasking program was created in 2004 as the In-Lieu-Of program. In June of 2006, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force charged Air Education and Training Command and 2nd Air Force with managing and refining the ILO training pipeline due to growing concerns about the lack of command and control over ILO missions. Prior to this period, Airmen tasked with ILO deployments would depart their home station with little, if any, Air Force oversight until they returned from their deployment. Combat Skills Training and equipping issues were stove-piped within functional communities causing significant disparities. There was no single Air Force voice to the Department of the Army and Army Forces Command resulting in training and equipping shortfalls. Upon assumption of the ILO management mission, 2nd Air Force set out to first establish command and control, then centralize scheduling and finally modify curriculum and equipment requirements.

Today, the JET mission remains a high visibility program. Although JET taskings make up just five percent of all Air Force deployments, their non-standard nature keeps them high on the list of senior leader concerns. 2nd Air Force is still charged with oversight of all JET pre-deployment training from its headquarters location at Keesler Air Force Base, Miss. 2nd Air Force's provisional unit, the 602d Training Group, facilitates and influences policies and procedures for JET Airmen training and equipping through year-round coordination. The 602nd TRG(P) personnel schedule Combat Skills Training for JET Airmen as well as for individual augmentees. The 602nd TRG(P) manages an operations center at Keesler as well as detachments at each of the CST locations to ensure smooth movement and training of approximately 1,000 Airmen each year.


The 602nd TRG(P) works hand-in-hand with two other detachments for CST training held for the JET Airmen getting ready to deploy. These detachments include Det 3 -- Fort Polk, LA. and Det 4 -- Fort Bliss, TX.


602d Training Group (Provisional)

Command Support Staff

504 1st Street, Building 2603, Room 41A

Keesler AFB, MS 39534-2804

DSN: 591-6640

Commercial: 228-376-6640

Organizational Email: 602trgp.ccea@us.af.mil