Submit Freedom of Information requests online to our Requester Service Centers by visiting the AF eFOIA Public Access site.
For mailing FOIA requests contact the Keesler Requester Service Center:
510 H Street, Room 26
Keesler AFB, MS 39534-2568
Phone: 228-377-2286
All requests for IG records should be sent to the HQ AFIMSC/IZSI. If you use Public Access Link at, select "AETC -IMSC."
If you would to use regular mail, address your request to:
2261 Hughes Avenue, Suite 133
JBSA Lackland TX 78236-9853
COMM: 210-395-0995
DSN: 969-0995
Describe the records needed, as specifically as possible, and let us know the cost you are willing to pay for administrative processing. Furnish any facts or clues about the time, place, persons, events, subjects or other details of the information or records requested. That information will help us decide where to search and determine what records pertain to your request. It can also save you and the government time and money, and you may get requested records faster.
Note: Air Force-affiliated requesters, to include military and civilian employees, should not use government equipment, supplies, stationery, postage, telephones or official mail channels to make a FOIA request.
The electronic library is located on the Air Force Compliance Division web page at, under the title "Library."
Please be advised that the Air Force will not deliver unofficial mass mailings addressed to individuals or duty addresses. A mass mailing is defined as 50 or more pieces of mail received on the same day from the same mailer.
FOIA requestors who have questions concerning the processing of their requests with the Keesler AFB FOIA Office should contact the center at 228-377-2286.
If dissatisfied with the service received from the FOIA Requester Service Center, you may contact the Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Officer, Mr. Robert Bivins, for assistance at or (703) 614-8500. (Please do not send FOIA requests to this office)