Inspector general's ofice -- here to hear, help

  • Published
  • By Maj. Tabetha Clark
  • 81st Training Wing inspector general
The mission of the 81st Training Wing Inspector General office is to administer a complaint resolution process that impartially and practically addresses grievances in order to enhance morale, promote efficiency and emphasize mission focus.

Our office fully understands the criticality of maintaining Team Keesler's focus on mission accomplishment and excellence. Therefore, if personnel are sidetracked by negative issues, there's no doubt that the wing's productivity will falter. This is where we can provide assistance and direction. We help ensure personnel issues are worked appropriately and quickly so members' focus is placed back on the mission.

Our staff acts as the eyes and ears of the wing commander, educates personnel on the IG program and provides complaints resolution support to any of the 12,000 men and women assigned to Keesler.

Although we stand ready to assist Team Keesler members with resolving issues, we encourage you to give your chain of command the first opportunity to resolve your issues. The exception is if your chain of command is the issue or you think you have been:
  • restricted access to your IG or Congressperson,
  • reprised against, or
  • improperly referred for a mental health evaluation.
The IG office expressly handles these three types of complaints, not commanders. You also need to know that as an Armed Forces member, you have the right of access, freedom from reprisal for making a protected communication and rights regarding mental health evaluations under Title 10, U.S. Code, Section 1034, Whistleblower Protection.

Restriction: preventing or attempting to prevent members of the Armed Forces from making or preparing lawful communications to members of Congress and/or an IG.

Reprisal: taking, or threatening to take, an unfavorable personnel action or withholding, or threatening to withhold, a favorable personnel action on a military member for making or preparing a protected communication.

Improper mental health evaluations: consist of a service member being referred, without being afforded their rights, for a clinical assessment for a mental, physical or personality disorder to determine the member's mental health status and fitness for duty. It does not include interviews under family advocacy programs or Air Force drug and alcohol abuse rehabilitation programs.

Our office also oversees the fraud, waste and abuse program. FWA prevention and correction is a command responsibility, so personnel are encouraged to report abuse and waste to their chain of command before coming to the IG. Additionally, report fraud issues to command, Office of Special Investigations or 81st Security Forces Squadron prior to coming to the IG. However, if you're uncomfortable reporting through those channels or think command is part of the problem, by all means report FWA to the IG. Be proactive in preventing FWA by reviewing operations and processes to detect deficiencies, minimize waste, emphasize economy, and identify/correct potential fraud or abuse.

Fraud: any intentional deception designed to unlawfully deprive the Air Force of something of value or to secure from the Air Force for an individual a benefit, privilege, allowance or consideration to which he or she is not entitled. Examples include, but are not limited to, making false statements, submitting false claims or using false weights or measures; deceit, either by suppressing the truth or misrepresenting material facts, or to deprive the Air Force of something of value.

Waste: the extravagant, careless, or needless expenditure of Air Force funds or the consumption of Air Force property that results from deficient practices, systems controls, or decisions. A management action or inaction that creates a substantial risk of significant adverse impact on the agency's ability to accomplish its mission. An example is negligently or recklessly incurring unnecessary costs for equipment and supplies due to inefficient or ineffective resource management or inventories.

Abuse: intentional wrongful or improper use of Air Force resources. Examples include misuse of grade, position or authority that causes the loss or misuse of resources such as tools, vehicles, computers or copy machines.

Any deviations or violations of policy and procedures should be reported immediately to the IG office. Complaints can be in the form of an email, phone call, word document or on an AF IMT 102 complaint form. Additionally, complaints can be in person or anonymous. However the complaint is submitted, it will be handled in a manner that characterizes integrity, objectivity and impartiality. Similarly, a complainant's responsibility is to submit complaints within 60 days of learning of the alleged wrong, cooperate by providing factual and relevant information regarding the issue and being truthful, because statements provided are official within Air Force channels. In turn, the IG staff will conduct an analysis of your issue and channel it to the appropriate agency for resolution.

Remember, IGs are independent, responsive, impartial and thorough fact finders. We don't determine guilt or innocence. We aren't on one side or the other and we aren't anyone's personal advocate. We work toward a solution that is within the law and is in the best interest of the Air Force. Ultimately, our goal is to maintain public trust while enhancing military capability by resolving problems at the lowest level possible. If you need assistance, more information about our complaints resolution program or just need someone to listen,
call 377-3010, email us at or visit us in Room 105, 81st TRW headquarters, Building 2816. We're here to help!