Summer safety <br> Preventing mishaps takes strong team effort Published May 25, 2011 By Virgil Mitchell 81st Training Wing safety office KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- The annual 101 Critical Days of Summer campaign begins at 4 p.m. Friday and continues through Labor Day, Sept. 5. During last year's campaign, the Air Force experienced 16 off-duty fatalities, with 13 of the deaths involving either automobiles or motorcycles. Factors in these mishaps included speeding, reckless operation and not using seatbelts or helmets. In the past ten years, the Air Force has averaged losing 24 Airmen during the 101 Critical Days of Summer. The Air Force Safety Center emphasizes that preventing mishaps this summer will take everyone's best effort, noting, "Commanders must ensure their unit's mishap prevention efforts are integral to mission success. Supervisors must remain engaged with their subordinates, demanding high standards, setting the example, and aware of their peoples' duty performance, their leisure activities and travel plans while off duty. Lastly, each of us has a responsibility for our own safety, and the safety of our wingmen." A few safety survival tips can start you on the way to a safe summer. Know your physical limitations and don't exceed them. Don't drink and drive. Wear your seat belt or helmet. Don't speed. Maintain vehicle control. Don't drive fatigued. Drive defensively and look for a way out in an emergency. Beware of the other driver. As vital members of Team Keesler, we must never forget that our family and friends need and love us, our units need us and our nation is depending on us.