KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- The first of its kind, a new Advanced Military Training Leader Course graduated the first class at Keesler Air Force Base last month.
The new course from the 81st Training Group offers future MTLs the opportunity to cultivate their knowledge and skills in order to delve deeper into the requirements and tasks of their future duty position.
Compared to the original MTL course, the advanced course goes beyond teaching the details and requirements of being an MTL, and prepares MTLs for senior leadership positions including the tasks and experience they could potentially face while in those positions.
“Being an MTL is totally different than basically any other job,” said Tech. Sgt. Staciann Street, 81st Training Group MTL and one of the first MTLs to complete the new advanced course.
The course takes a new turn on educational training as it focuses on student-centered learning, said Michael Polley, 81st Training Support Squadron MTL Advanced Course curriculum developer.
“We wanted it to be more student-focused,” Polley said. “Discussions and research to guide them to get their own conclusions. With learning established by student-led research and discussions, this advanced course has the potential to give the MTLs the required experience that is needed for the flight chief roles and superintendent roles.”
Not only does the course challenge students through student-centered learning, but it also offers a valuable mentorship opportunity.
“Each class is provided with an experienced senior MTL that helps guide the discussions and offer their experience,” said Polley.
Street also highlighted the mentorship that she received during the course.
“It gives that added experience,” Street said. “It helps guide the course in a way that it needs to be.”
The mentorship from the experienced MTLs is another opportunity for the students to learn more about their potential duties and experiences that they could possibly encounter. With the course structured around the students learning from experience and discussions, it allows the course to adapt to changes that could potentially occur within the career field in the future, instead of being confined to a particularly structured curriculum.
When asked about the success of the course, Street said her favorite part was the networking aspect. Many MTLs from various bases attend the advanced course to collaborate and discuss many stories and experiences about how their base operates within specific parameters and regulations. Street explained how the networking aspect was a valuable feature to the course.
“Talking with different bases and seeing how they applied it was extremely helpful to me and now I have people at those bases who I can reach out to for advice,” said Street. “I believe everyone who goes through this course will find that aspect invaluable.”