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News Around Keesler

  • Creating optimal conditions for optimal sleep

    To demonstrate peak human performance in the classroom and on the field, Airmen need not only physical exercise, good study habits, a healthy diet but quality sleep as well. The 334th Training Squadron partnered with the 59th Medical Wing to conduct a sleep study to determine the effects of a

  • 350th SWW commander speaks to 333th TRS graduates

    U.S. Air Force Col. Josh Koslov, 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing commander, visited Keesler Air Force Base to speak to graduates of the Spectrum Operations Apprenticeship course to give them advice for their careers and remind them the importance of the mission.

  • Behind the Podium at the 334th TRS

    At the 81st Training Group, instructors train Airmen to serve as experts in their profession. Staff Sgt. Michael Russell, 334th Training Squadron air traffic control instructor, appreciates the experiences he gained from working as an ATC specialist at his first duty station. He uses his prior

  • Commanding and controlling the future of Air Force communication

    With 30 years spent in the command post career field, Master Sgt. Desirae McIntyre, 403rd Wing command and control technician, shaped the way the Air Force communicates mission operations through her development of the training curriculum.“McIntyre always brought a calm presence and positive

  • Immediate family with an immediate impact

    Air Force families have always played an essential role in the mission. The Leigh Family’s impact however, is huge on the 334th Training Squadron and the Air Traffic Controller apprentice course.Stanley Leigh, 334th TRS Air Traffic Control master instructor; SSgt Justin Leigh, 334th TRS ATC