View: Education & Training Course Announcements (ETCA) Course Description
Course Length: 7 Days/64 Hours
CCAF credits: 3
See our Course Schedule page for upcoming class dates!
Course Contact: 81st TRSS/TSF, Mr. Craig Edwards,Comm: 228-377-5401 / DSN: 597-5401 or Mr. Jeffrey Edge, Comm: 228-377-0991 / DSN: 597-0991
Course Description:
This course guides students through the key components required when taking on the role of a Training Manager in the AETC Technical Training environment. The scope of training includes an overview of the Technical Training environment and hierarchy, applicable Air Force and Air Education Training Command directives and guidelines; Training Manager Duties and Responsibilities, Training Development, Training Management, Training Systems, Capacity/Course modeling, Programming, Scheduling, Production Analysis, and Evaluations.
Special Note: This is an AETC course designed for personnel supporting the AETC Technical Training mission. Non-AETC customer requests are allocated on a space available basis.
Enrollment Procedures:
Students must contact their Unit Training Manager (UTM) for official course requests. UTMs must forward scheduling requests to the "81TRSS/FacD Scheduling" organizational inbox in the global address list (GAL) or 81trss.tsf3@us.af.mil.
Reporting Instructions: (Supplemental)
Training Location:
Training is held at Allee Hall, (Bldg 4331), Keesler AFB, MS. Please see the course directory board outside of room 101 for course room information.
Class Start Time: 0630.