View: Education & Training Course Announcements (ETCA) Course Description
Course Length: 7 Days/56 Hours
See our Course Schedules page for upcoming course dates!
CCAF credits: 3
Course Contact: 81st TRSS/TSF, Mr. Craig Edwards, Comm: 228-377-5401 / DSN: 597-5401 or Mr. Jeffrey Edge, Comm: 228-377-0991 / DSN: 597-0991
Course Description:
Training Supervisor provides training for faculty members selected for the duty of instructor/intermediate supervisor within a training squadron. Training clarifies the faculty member's function as a first or second line instructor supervisor for in-resident school or field training detachment (FTD). Training includes applicable AF, AETC and local directives; student administration and recognition; Instructor Supervisor (IS) position and responsibilities; instructor training, recognition and evaluation; training evaluation and inspection program.
Special Note: This is an AETC course designed for personnel supporting the AETC Technical Training mission. Non-AETC customer requests are allocated on a space available basis.
Enrollment Procedures:
Students must contact their Unit Training Manager (UTM) for official course requests. UTMs must forward scheduling requests to the "81TRSS/FacD Scheduling" organizational inbox in the global address list (GAL) or
Reporting Instructions: (Supplemental)
Training Location: Training will be held in Allee Hall, (Bldg 4331), Keesler AFB, MS. Please see the course directory board outside of room 101 for course room information.
Class Start Time: 0630