KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss -- Thunder Over the Sound: The Keesler and Biloxi Air and Space Show takes flight 29-30 April. Thunder Over the Sound is a unique, one-of-a-kind partnership between a military base and its surrounding city, jointly hosting one airshow in two locations.
Information regarding schedules, Thunderbird performances, aerial demonstration acts, static displays, parking and traffic details will be posted as they develop on the airshow website at:
Additionally, the following Thunderbirds promotional video can be downloaded for use on television or radio promotional airtime. Users will need to create a free account on Defense Visual Information Distribution Service to download content. The video can be found at: (3 minutes).
The airshow will be divided into two portions; the morning portion, taking place at Keesler, will feature aerial performances, ground demonstrations and military aircraft static displays along with a STEM Expo. The afternoon portion will take place along Biloxi Beach off U.S. Highway 90.
On Friday, 28 April, the STEM Expo will be open to JROTC and ROTC cadets, students in STEM programs at high schools, colleges, and other youth-oriented leadership
programs. Reservations are required for student and cadet groups to access the STEM Expo on Friday. DoD ID cardholders are also invited to attend the expo on Friday. The STEM Expo will be open to everyone on Saturday and Sunday.
If you would like to reserve a spot for your group – or if you have air show questions, contact the 81st Training Wing Public Affairs office, at (228) 377-2783 or e-mail