KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, Miss. -- In preparation for the upcoming Thunder Over the Sound: Keesler and Biloxi Air and Space Show, Keesler Air Force Base and the city of Biloxi are conducting an emergency response exercise March 16-17, 2023.
Personnel and visitors should anticipate travel impacts. These exercise activities may interrupt or delay base operations and services. Biloxi residents may also notice emergency service personnel moving in and around the installation due to the joint exercise.
This exercise aids preparation and ensures readiness for Keesler’s personnel and the surrounding community for the upcoming air show. “Performing this exercise is not only a requirement prior to having an airshow at a military installation but it also fosters coordination between multiple agencies that will be activated in the rare case an incident occurs,” said Lt. Col. John Connors, air show director. Keesler’s response includes working with state and local partners to react to an incident.
The Thunder Over the Sound: Keesler and Biloxi Air and Space Show is scheduled for April 29-30, 2023 and takes place at Keesler AFB and along the beaches of Biloxi. For more information, visit
For any questions please contact the 81st Training Wing Public Affairs office, at (228) 377-2733 or e-mail