New Undergraduate Cyber Training School opens

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  • By 010610
What: Ribbon cutting ceremony for the new undergraduate Cyber Training School

Where: Stennis Hall on Keesler AFB

When: Monday, June 21, 2010 at 5 p.m.

The Air Force takes a significant step forward in its cyberspace training as Keesler launches a new undergraduate cyber training course for officers. The training is intended to bolster the demands of a network-centric Air Force operating in an ever increasing cyberspace domain. So far, $11.7 million has been allocated to establish the course and about $7.6 million executed to upgrade facilities, purchase the computer infrastructure, simulators and laboratory networks to enhance Keesler's classroom capabilities.

Guest speakers for this special ceremony will be Brig. General Ian Dickinson, 81st Training Wing Commander and Brig. General David A. Cotton, Director, Cyberspace Transformation and Strategy, Secretary of the Air Force.

Media interested in covering this event should contact the Public Affairs office at (228) 377-2783.