To expedite all visitors’ entrances to the installation, the 81st SFS has a pre-registration page for sponsors and it is highly encouraged for it to be completed for all visitors. This can be accomplished from your cell phone or computer.
Click the link below or scan the attached QR Code to access the website (you may have to refresh the page after using weblink). Sponsors or visitors can complete the pre-registration. Sponsors that complete the process will need to email the alpha-numeric pre-enrollment confirmation code and QR Code to their visitor. Visitors will present the alpha-numeric pre-enrollment confirmation code and QR Code to the Visitor's Center clerk for processing.
Base Gate Hours:
Division Street Gate
Everyday 24/7
Pass Road Gate
Everyday 24/7
White Avenue Gate
Meadows Dr. Gate
Commercial Vehicle Gate Hours
Mon-Fri 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Closed weekends, AETC family days, and federal holidays
Keesler's Commercial Vehicle Gate is located off of Bayview Avenue.
Visitor Center Hours (Division Street):
Mon-Friday 6 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Closed weekends, AETC family days, and federal holidays
I want to visit Keesler. What do I need to do?
Keesler's Visitor's Center provides passes for short and long term visits. All sponsors must direct their non-Department of Defense affiliated guests to the Keesler Visitor Center, where the visitor can be verified and have a pass issued. The authorized sponsor must send a digitally-signed email from their government account to the organizational e-mail box, Keesler Pass and ID at to validate the visit or meet the guest at the Visitor Center. The Keesler Visitor Center is also the focal point for functions and special events for guests who do not have DoD affiliation. Only valid DoD ID cardholders are authorized to sponsor visitors onto Keesler AFB. Sponsors accept full responsibility for their visitor's conduct while on Keesler AFB.
When the Visitor Center is closed, the sponsor must meet the guest in person at Pass Road Gate or Division Street Gate and the entry controller provides a visitor pass until the Visitor Center reopens.
What documents are required when I go to the visitor center?
Visitors who are driving must have a current driver's license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration. Vehicle decals or base stickers are no longer issued or required by the Air Force, but security forces are still charged with ensuring visitors have registered their vehicles in accordance with local laws.
Can I get someone else to sponsor me?
Only valid DoD ID cardholders are authorized to sponsor visitors onto Keesler AFB. This includes active duty military, retirees, Reservists, National Guard and their family members or a civilian DoD employee.
Those NOT authorized to sponsor visitors:
· Contractors: (with proper identification cards they have base access, but aren't authorized escort authority)
· Civilian Retiree Card holders,
· Non-DOD Personal Identity Verification holders
· Transportation Worker Identification Credential holders
· DOD Privilege card holders
· Veterans Identification Card holders
· Foreign national affiliates with a DOD common access card
· Local pass and card holders
· Limited exceptions are made for privatized housing residents
How do groups get access for events and special functions?
To host a non-military group from off base, the sponsor must submit a Keesler AFB Form 211 preferably 14 days in advance but no later than three days in advance. Large events (classified as 41 or more attendees in total) must have a Keesler AFB Form 211 submitted 30 duty days prior to the event for approval. The letter must alphabetically list visitors last and first name, driver's license/identification card number (names MUST match the one on the license or ID) and the state of issue for all guests over 15 years old. A visitor request letter template for sponsors is available from the pass and identification office.
Once the pass and ID security check clears visitors, they're placed on a daily access listing used by the entry controllers at the gates. Visitors are required to produce the driver's license or ID card listed on the access request.
How do I gain access to visit a patient at the Keesler Hospital?
If someone wants to visit a patient at the Keesler Hospital, the Keesler Hospital must send an email with the names and entry dates for the individual requesting access to the installation. Individuals are still subject to background checks.
I need to conduct business at Keesler. What is the procedure?
To conduct business, the authorized sponsor will either have to meet the person at the visitor center or send a digitally-signed email from their government account to the organizational e-mail box, Keesler Pass and ID at to validate the business visit.
Does Keesler AFB offer tours to the public?
See Keesler's public tour policy here.
Can I do anything to speed up the process?
If this is your first time on a military installation, to help expedite your processing time before arriving at the visitor center please take the time to create your DBIDS profile at!/. It is important customers know the wait time might be longer due to a high volume of visitors and the time of day they are visiting. Your spot will be held in line for 1 hour and you must check in at the kiosk upon arrival.
What else do I need to know?
The visitor center at Division Street Gate serves an average of 150-200 customers a day. Guests who bring the necessary, valid paperwork, and take the time to pre-enroll with DBIDS help the process move much faster. It also helps if the guest knows exactly who they are visiting and the location of that person.
For more information, contact the Keesler Visitor Center at 228-377-3844.
(Last Updated November 2023)
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