2 construction projects slated for medical center

  • Published
  • By 121806
As Keesler Medical Center returns to pre-Katrina operations, two new construction projects are in the works.

According to Maj. Jeffrey Van Slyke, 81st Medical Group chief of construction, the construction of a new $20 million central energy plant will begin by early summer of 2007. The facility should be completed in 15 months, or fall of 2008.

The energy plant will contain emergency generators, electrical switchgear, transformers, chillers, boilers and cooling towers. The facility will be designed to reduce the hurricane damage to major electrical components and significantly enhance energy production efficiencies. It will be located north of the medical center, where Oak Park housing area was before the homes were demolished after Hurricane Katrina.

Also, a new $12.4 million radiation oncology center housing a linear accelerator was part of the FY07 National Defense Authorization Act. The plans for the linear accelerator are in development. Location and construction dates are to be determined. The previous linear accelerator, located in the medical center's basement, was destroyed by flooding during Katrina's storm surge.